来源:中国银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年03月06日
内容导读: 为热烈庆祝第103个国际劳动妇女节的到来,鼓励全行广大员工为百年中行事业发展建功立业,3月2日,在中国银行菏泽分行的篮球场上,该行职工欢聚一堂,举办了一场别开生面的“庆三八”职工游艺会。
The bank of China, heze grandly held "38" worker would allow
To celebrate the arrival of the 103th international women's day, to encourage selling the general staff for in one hundred the bank of China business development in underdeveloped, March 2, in bank of China, heze branch on the basketball court, the bank worker together, held a special "38" worker would allow.
This would allow a total design in growing flowers, 3 to 4 feet, and other entertainment sports projects, some project needs employees alone, while some projects need to group together. Accompanied by cheerful music, would allow a warm atmosphere, the worker is immersed in the joy of the competitive, cooperative. Worker would allow success fully showed the bank staff full of spirit and indomitable fighting spirit and unity of the harmonious atmosphere, make broad female worker spent a happy and peaceful holiday.
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