来源:中国银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年01月25日
内容导读: 2013年1月13日,中国银行与银联携手京东商城,打造“一元钱大有享法”网络抢购活动正式上线。凡持中国银行62开头银联信用卡用户,单笔消费满288元,并转发当期微博活动,并@三位好友,就有机会获得最高价值4000元的京东券。同时,作为银行业与电商联合推广的开年大作,#一元钱大有享法#以周为单位,连续10期,每期5000个获奖名额,奖品总价值达800万。如此丰厚的奖金,直令网友咋舌,势必掀起一股抢购风暴。
The bank of China unionpay to play the Internet marketing
On January 13, 2013, the bank of China unionpay to jingdong mall, create a yuan QianDaYou enjoy method "network buying activities formal on-line. All the bank of China unionpay card users beginning 62, single pen spend 288 yuan, and forward the current micro bo activities, and @ three good friends, they have the opportunity to obtain the highest value of RMB 4000 yuan jingdong coupons. At the same time, as the banking industry and the electric business joint promotion open years was blowing and # a yuan QianDaYou enjoy method # with week for units, continuous and each period, the number of 5000, the prize is worth 8 million. Such a huge bonus, straight to net friend be left speechless with wonder or fear, it is bound to set up a huge buying storm.
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